How To Play Fashion Designer At Home

A lot has been said about the therapeutic powers of working with your hands lately, whether to combat cabin fever or to cope with the stress of living in a time of great uncertainty. In quarantine, people have taken to baking bread, gardening, and learning how to tie-dye. And while the latter is undoubtedly the most popular fashion trend to have come out of shelter-in-place orders, DIY fashion kits have also seen a demand from fashion-lovers looking to pass time while trying their hand at design.
With interest for at-home activities at an all-time high, fashion designers have been happy to do their part by releasing DIY fashion kits that allow their customers to do everything, from make their own jacket to craft a one-of-a-kind necklace.
“There is no wrong way to color in a page or arrange beads. It’s a quick escape for your mind and your eyes and your heart.”

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